Central filling
Particularly suitable for the pharmaceutical industry
Central Filling
Central Filling is a hybrid process that allows orders to be fulfilled at the patient or prescription level. This process is particularly suitable for the pharmaceutical industry, because orders no longer have to be put together at the pharmacy. In addition, Central Filling provides extra accuracy through a 100% control and contributes to efficiency through the integrated FMD dispensing.
The process of Central Filling starts with forwarding and merging the prescriptions through the host system to Inther LC. Picks are then carried out in different picking areas (e.g. A-Frame, carousel). After that, order processing is started at patient or prescription level at the Central Filling workstations. The operator first scans the tote in which the patient orders are collected, followed by scanning each individual article.
Processing at patient or prescription level
100% controlled processes
Integrated FMD dispensing
Everything packed in one transport unit
A patient label is then printed for each article and applied to the article. The articles are distributed at patient or prescription level to the locations with illuminated LED strips indicating their proper destination. Sensors validate that the article has actually been placed in the correct location. When all articles have been distributed, the transport units (e.g. bags, boxes) are taken out one by one and the patient label is printed and applied to the front of this unit. These are then placed back in the source tote which will then go to the shipping area and sent to, for example, pharmacies.