Inspections & Maintenance
Maximized system uptime
Inspections & Maintenance
Onsite inspections
According to the maintenance plan, Inther provides periodical inspections (in accordance with OEM instructions) of the various components of your system to guarantee uptime and improve performance. Naturally, any scheduling of inspection execution moments will occur in accordance with you. Inspections include:
- Thorough and systematical visual and functional checks following specific inspection checklists
- Immediate small changes and/or repairs (depending on the availability of time and necessary spare parts)
- A detailed inspection report by the involved service engineer covering an enumeration of the executed tasks, established discrepancies, proposal for recommended repairs, and recommendations for your users and maintenance personnel.
Maximized system uptime
Qualified service engineers
Including small changes and repairs
Detailed inspection reports with recommendations
Based on the onsite inspections Inther determines the recommended remote & onsite preventive maintenance schedule in accordance with OEM instructions for optimized system uptime and performance. The entire preventive maintenance scheduling will be done in mutual settlement of course. In addition to onsite preventive maintenance, yearly remote preventive maintenance moments will be agreed upon in your SLA, which will be executed by Inther via VPN connection.
Onsite maintenance
Onsite preventive maintenance tasks by the involved service engineer are:
- Preventive replacement/repair of parts (such as belts, rollers, etc.) in accordance with OEM maintenance instructions
- Necessary changes and/or repairs (mentioned separately in the preventive maintenance report)
- Replenishment proposal for used spare parts taken out of your spare parts warehouse
- Preventive maintenance report, listing an enumeration of executed tasks, established discrepancies, recommended repairs proposal which could not be done within the available time, proposal for used spare parts replenishment, and commendations for your users and maintenance personnel.
Remote maintenance
Remote preventive maintenance tasks that are executed by Inther are:
- Checking the database for lingering/old data and the ILC log files for errors
- Checking the table and hard disk space status, and event logging for errors
- Checking ILC memory usage and the web interface
- Creating a dump/export of the database and cleaning up old log files
- Creating a detailed report after every preventive maintenance by the involved service engineer including an enumeration of executed tasks, overview of the checked parameters and recommendations for your users and maintenance personnel.
Corrective maintenance
While always trying to avoid the need for corrective maintenance through inspections and preventive maintenance, occasionally equipment (parts) may still fail, making an (unplanned) immediately repair necessary. Rest assured, that our highly skilled and qualified technicians are available 24/7 and can be usually on site within 4 hours to resolve any defect.