Automated Document Applicator (ADA)
The right document applied to the right box
Automated Document Applicator (ADA)
The Automated Document Applicator (ADA) is a machine which fully automates the application of documents to the exterior of a box/case. Making sure that an order carton is shipped with the correct printed documents and then peeling and applying a packing slip pouch (doculope) can be a labor-intensive job. Packing slip application to the outside of a carton is important when needing to provide documentation for shipments that cannot be opened due to the risk of damaging the items inside. Examples include: contagious and sterile goods such as medical aids, operation kits, implants, etc.
The fully Automated Document Applicator (ADA) prints documents of up to 4 pages then buffers, folds and applies them with a foil (docufoil, doculope) to boxes/cases. Both the size and positioning of the document for attachment can vary constantly. The ADA always ensures that the right document is applied to the right box.

Up to 4 pages per pouch
Fully automated
Consistent and reliable
As a box is being transported to the machine, it is scanned to determine which documents (packing slip, shipping details, etc.) must be printed and buffered. The ADA machine immediately starts printing pre-generated shipping notes. Multiple pages are buffered and then conveniently folded. A robotic arm takes the stacked documents and cuts the docufoil in one single move. The ADA machine applies the set of documents to one of the pre-programmed positions – either on the side or the top of the box – depending on the box type. The ADA always ensures that the documents are clearly visible and easily accessible on the box exterior. If required, the machine can check every page of the document by scanning the barcode on each page.
The machine is capable of processing up to 400 boxes per hour. In a regular operating environment, packing lists or invoices are attached to a shipping box manually. This typically takes 45-60 seconds per box. The ADA machine takes an average of 9 seconds per box, depending on the number of pages, meaning at least a fivefold increase in efficiency. This equates to a payback time of approximately one year.

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The right document applied to the right box