Goods to Person
a boost in order picking performance
Goods to Person
Fast, safe, automatic and easy supply of storage containers to and from an ergonomically designed workstation. In short, that is what the order picking solution ‘Goods to Person’ (GTP) from Inther Group entails.
‘Goods to Person’ systems are available in a variety of shapes and configurations. They provide a boost in order picking performance and result in increased delivery reliability. The smart workstation shows the operator exactly what to pick and where to place the item. Inther Group has integrated a ‘Pick to Light’ module, a monitor and an optional weight check, making the process very simple and user-friendly. Errors in the fulfillment process are virtually eliminated.

How does GTP work?
The GTP system is ideal for ergonomic, precise and error-free order picking of items stored in totes. The storage bin, supplied via a conveyor, is centrally stopped in front of the order picker and the specific pick compartment (with a subdivision of up to 8 compartments in the storage container) is marked with a light.
Pick to Light: reduction of picking errors
As soon as an item has to be picked from a storage bin, led strips support the operator in the picking process, indicate where the items have to be picked from. An LED indicator displays the required quantity that needs to be moved from the storage bin to the order carton. The system instructs the operator via light bars in which order carton the item should be placed. Additional information about the order picking task can be displayed on the monitor. The order picker confirms this action by pressing the illuminated button on the picklight. Additional information about the picking instruction is displayed on a monitor that is part of the workstation. This approach results in a significant decrease in the number of picking errors.
Efficient and ergonomic
After each picking instruction the system checks whether the order carton is complete. A weight check can be done to validate the accuracy of the picked items in the completed order carton. While completed orders cartons are automatically removed, the next picking instruction can already be worked on in the workstation. The storage bins are automatically tilted so that they are at a comfortable, ergonomic picking position for the operator.

Minimal chance of error
Inther’s GTP system can process 4 to 6 orders simultaneously. This amounts to processing up to 500 picks per hour. Compared to traditional order picking, this provides a significant increase in picking performance. This is mainly due to the efficient and easy working method. With position indication via LED strips, monitors, barcode scanners and a weight control system, the chances of error are minimal. For the operators, the system is ergonomically optimized and can be learned quickly. The convenience of the system serves not just the operators, but also the company!
Ergonomic design
Straightforward principle
Optional weight check
Automated in and outfeed of totes

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